Removed the Cheat Terminal mod and restarted a new game with … capital one london Press and hold the Power button on the console for about 5 seconds. Ran just the Cheat Terminal and the game still freezes up. #Gaming Uninstalled the game completed, re-installed just the base game. > All Topics | Forums | Destiny Destiny 2 Seasons Community Forums Help Store Rewards PLAY DESTINY 2 My Account search language people_alt Season Progress Triumphs Collections Game History Cross Save Rewards Redeem Codes View Profile Settings Sign Out Loading. playstation servers down I'm having issues with Fallout 4 freezing/crashing on Xbox One. I have Fallout 4 and all the add ons for Playstation 4 but had so many crashes that I actually purchased the complete set for my XBOX One hoping it would be . If you are running a vanilla game and still have crashing. If nothing changes rinse and repeat until you find the problem mod.

If you don't get any issues save somewhere outside the city part of the map, enable a couple mods and load the game back up. If you're fps is stable and you're not having freezing or crashes then it's one of your mods.